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Patricia Rich

Patricia Rich, LCSW, CST-S (she/her) is a Certified IFS Therapist and Approved Consultant and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Supervisor. She fell in love with IFS in 2011, has completed Level 3, and has served as a Program Assistant. She has developed a unique integrative model for helping people to feel more ease, joy and confidence in the realm of sexuality and has originated IFS-informed concepts such as Internal Consent and The Six S’s of Sexual Self-Energy. Patty has presented at the IFS Annual Conference, taught a module for the IFS Institute Online Continuity program, and led workshops internationally. She offers training and consultation to professionals and offers opportunities for therapists and insight-oriented folks to BeHold and Lead their Internal Sexual Systems (BLISS). She lives in the Philadelphia area where she also has a private practice.

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