Anne Mauro
Anne Mauro, LMFT, DHS, CSE, CST is a Licensed Couples and Family Therapist (LMFT), American Association Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) Certified Sex Therapist, and AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator, and clinical supervisor. Her private practice, Mending Connections, in Washington state, specializes in relationship counseling and sex therapy. She volunteers her time to the field by being a member of the AASECT Ethics Advisory Committee and serving as chair of the AASECT Awards Committee. Anne created and taught a course titled Colonization and Sex for the Sexuality Certificate Program at Antioch University Seattle. In partnership with a colleague, Anne is an AASECT continuing education (CEU) provider. Through this venture, Anne co-created the Beyond Settler Sex Sexually Attitude Reassessment (SAR). Her first publication, More Than Ebony and Ivory: Complexities of sex therapy with interracial couples, can be found in An Intersectional Approach to Sex Therapy: Centering the lives of indigenous, racialized, and people of color.